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Class diagram


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classDiagram direction LR class Live2DModel{ internalModel: InternalModel } class InternalModel{ <<abstract>> coreModel: unknown settings: ModelSettings motionManager: MotionManager focusController: FocusController } class ModelSettings{ <<abstract>> } class MotionManager{ <<abstract>> expressionManager: ExpressionManager } class ExpressionManager{ <<abstract>> } class FocusController class Live2DModelWebGL:::cubism2 class CubismModel:::cubism4 class Cubism2InternalModel:::cubism2{ coreModel: Live2DModelWebGL } class Cubism4InternalModel:::cubism4{ coreModel: CubismModel } class Cubism2ModelSettings:::cubism2 class Cubism4ModelSettings:::cubism4 class Cubism2MotionManager:::cubism2 class Cubism4MotionManager:::cubism4 class Cubism2ExpressionManager:::cubism2 class Cubism4ExpressionManager:::cubism4 InternalModel <|-- Cubism2InternalModel InternalModel <|-- Cubism4InternalModel ModelSettings <|-- Cubism2ModelSettings ModelSettings <|-- Cubism4ModelSettings MotionManager <|-- Cubism2MotionManager MotionManager <|-- Cubism4MotionManager ExpressionManager <|-- Cubism2ExpressionManager ExpressionManager <|-- Cubism4ExpressionManager Live2DModel *-- InternalModel Cubism2InternalModel *-- Live2DModelWebGL Cubism4InternalModel *-- CubismModel InternalModel *-- ModelSettings InternalModel *-- MotionManager MotionManager *-- ExpressionManager InternalModel *-- FocusController

Creating model

Models can be created by an async method: Live2DModel.from(source, options).


Source can be one of the following types:

  • A URL of the model settings file, which typically ends with .model.json (Cubism 2) or .model3.json (Cubism 3/4).

    const model = await Live2DModel.from('path/to/shizuku.model.json');
  • A JSON object of the model settings. Note that you still need to specify the URL by a url property of the JSON object, it's for the resource loaders to know where to load files from.

    const url = 'path/to/shizuku.model.json';
    const json = await fetch(url).then((res) => res.json());
    json.url = url;
    const model = await Live2DModel.from(json);
  • An instance of ModelSettings. Specifically, either Cubism2ModelSettings or Cubism4ModelSettings.

    const url = 'path/to/shizuku.model.json';
    const json = await fetch(url).then((res) => res.json());
    json.url = url;
    const settings = new Cubism2ModelSettings(json);
    const model = await Live2DModel.from(settings);


URL is required in all cases, because resource loaders rely on the model's URL to resolve its resource files. For example, for a model with URL path/to/shizuku.model.json, its texture image textures/01.png will be resolved to path/to/textures/01.png.


options is a combination of the options for multiple components, see Live2DFactoryOptions.

Creating model synchronously

In case you want to participate in the creation, there's a synchronous creation method: Live2DModel.fromSync(source, options).

This method immediately returns a Live2DModel instance, whose resources have not been loaded yet. That means you can't manipulate or render this model - until the load event has been emitted.

// no `await` here since it's not a Promise
const model = Live2DModel.fromSync('shizuku.model.json', { onError: console.warn });

// these will cause errors!
// app.stage.addChild(model);
// model.motion('tap_body');

model.once('load', () => {
    // now it's safe

With this method, you're able to do extra works when certain resources have been loaded.

const model = Live2DModel.fromSync('shizuku.model.json');

model.once('settingsJSONLoaded', (json) => {
    // e.g. customize the layout before it's applied to the model
    json.layout = {
        width: 2,
        height: 2,

model.once('settingsLoaded', (settings) => {
    // e.g. set another URL to the model
    settings.url = 'alternative/path/to/model';

When all essential resources have been loaded, a ready event is emitted. Then it's safe to render this model if you want it to show up as soon as possible.

After that, when all resources, including the optional resources, have been loaded, a load event is emitted.

const model = Live2DModel.fromSync('shizuku.model.json');

model.once('ready', () => {
    // now it's safe to display the model, though not recommended because
    // it's likely to look weird due to missing optional resources

The following diagram represents the procedure of model creation.

flowchart TD subgraph middlewares urlToJSON jsonToSettings setupOptionals setupEssentials createInternalModel end fromSync(["Live2DModel.from(source)"]) source{Type of source?} URL[/URL/] JSON[/JSON/] subgraph Live2DModel ModelSettings[/ModelSettings/] Texture[/"Texture[]"/] InternalModel[/InternalModel/] subgraph "(Optional)" Pose[/Pose/] Physics[/Physics/] end end urlToJSON ==> jsonToSettings ==> setupOptionals ==> setupEssentials ==> createInternalModel fromSync --> source source --> URL --> urlToJSON source --> JSON --> jsonToSettings source --> ModelSettings ModelSettings --> setupOptionals urlToJSON -.-> |"#quot;settingsJSONLoaded#quot;"| JSON jsonToSettings -.-> |"#quot;settingsLoaded#quot;"| ModelSettings setupOptionals -.-> |"#quot;poseLoaded#quot;"| Pose setupOptionals -.-> |"#quot;physicsLoaded#quot;"| Physics setupEssentials -.-> |"#quot;textureLoaded#quot;"| Texture createInternalModel -.-> |"#quot;modelLoaded#quot;"| InternalModel fromSync --> new["new Live2DModel()"] ------> Live2DModel Live2DModel --> isReady{All but optional resources loaded?} --> |"#quot;ready#quot;"| isLoaded{All resources loaded?} --> |"#quot;loaded#quot;"| Finish([Finish])

Updating a model

To make a Live2D model "live", it needs to be updated at every frame. This is done by calling model.update(deltaTime) and there are two ways to do it.

Updating automatically

This is the default behavior. Model will use PIXI.Ticker.shared to automatically update themselves.

The easiest way to achieve this is to import a full build of Pixi and expose PIXI to global scope, so that the model can access Ticker from window.PIXI.Ticker:

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

window.PIXI = PIXI;

Otherwise, you need to manually register the Ticker and TickerPlugin:

import { Application } from '@pixi/app';
import { Ticker, TickerPlugin } from '@pixi/ticker';


Updating manually

To manually update the model, you need to first disable the autoUpdate option, and then call model.update(deltaTime) at every frame.

Using Ticker:

import { Ticker } from '@pixi/ticker';

const model = await Live2DModel.from('shizuku.model.json', { autoUpdate: false });

const ticker = new Ticker();

ticker.add(() => model.update(ticker.elapsedMS));

Using requestAnimationFrame():

const model = await Live2DModel.from('shizuku.model.json', { autoUpdate: false });

let then =;

function tick(now) {
    model.update(now - then);

    then = now;

